My Best Easter Experience: Why You Should Attend An Easter Camp

The moment you feel very reluctant about taking an action is usually interpreted as the right time to take that action. This was the situation I found myself for the 2015 SMD Easter student`s conference tagged “Studikon”. Some of my reluctance was due to the fact that I was scared to live in a new place with new people for 5 days. Also I had a lot of academic tasks to attend to over the Easter break. I did attend “Studikon” and I was immensely blessed for making that decision.

Studikon Hall

Studikon Hall


Studikon is the Easter student conference of the student mission in Germany (SMD) and SMD is part of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). IFES has heavy presence in most University communities around the World. Studikon 2015 is the 10th edition of this event and it holds every two years. You can start preparing to attend the next Studikon which is scheduled to hold in 2017.

Truth be told, my moments at Studikon happens to be one of my best in Germany so far. I write you my experiences because I believe someone can be touched, taught and tamed through my experiences. In the spiritual realm, there is no barrier. So if you missed the last Studikon, just sit back relax and continue reading to get all the expositions, enlightenment and excitement of Studikon 2015.



Fellowship: Kudos to the organizing committee of Studikon, the program outline was great such that every event gave an opportunity for fellowship and sharing. The special bible study group (spusi) was one of such where we shared about the main text in Luke and prayed for each other. For your information, my spusi group still exists online even after Studikon and we have moved on to fellowshipping as a Family. We still share testimonies and ideas about uncover. You can find us on Facebook (The awesome spusi) in case you want to join us. Every morning regional meeting was my next stop for fellowship. Even though I was always late to the meetings, I enjoyed every bit of it. We played games and shared scriptures together. How will I ever forget the international seminar? It was amazing to share the love of Christ with people from different countries. I learnt how to evangelize to natives in a foreign land.

The Awesome Spusi Fellowship group

The Awesome Spusi Fellowship group


Fun: Recounting my fun experience at Studikon always makes me wish for another Studikon as soon as possible.  My fun started from the first day after the service at the international café. I was fortunate to meet a German but Nigerian at heart and many other new people. The International café is just a spot for you to have unusual fun and chill-out. I was extremely motivated to improve my German language when I met Germans who could speak foreign languages and Foreigners who could speak German perfectly. Fast-forward to the well anticipated African worship night where some Cameroonian brethren made us shake our body for the Lord. That night was awesome. My fun climaxed at the Studikon party where I had the opportunity to show some dance skills. It was much fun rocking the dance floor with the brethren. Check out a short clip from the African night below:


Friends: Studikon was my first experience of meeting extremely friendly and social people in Germany. I previously assumed that Germans are not outgoing but I was proved wrong at Studikon. It was as if I was in a different Country as the friendliness and love was amazing. I might credit the friendly atmosphere to the Christ centered Love that was existent. Everywhere, every-time and everyday came with the opportunity of meeting someone new.  Questions such as; which city are you from; what are you studying stimulated a talking atmosphere. The hostels, meeting hall, and the dinner hall were great places to hook up with someone new and learn one thing or the other from them.

My Awesome friend, Sebastian

My Awesome friend, Sebastian


Food: My experience at Studikon cannot be complete without expressing my moments at the dining hall. We all anticipated the meal times (3 square) because the food was always served with fellowship and fun. This was the time to hang out with different groups of people and discuss something entirely special. We constantly broke the food rule that says do not talk while eating. Infact, we talked more than we ate and the talking continued even after the food until we were being politely asked to leave in order to create space for others to eat. My best moment during the food times was when I was opportuned to be one of the servers. I was serving meat balls and salad on that faithful day and I was thrilled to see how people reacted to big or small food.

Who says food servers do not eat? LOL!!!

Who says food servers do not eat? LOL!!!


Fuel: I can never forget to share about the fuel that has kept my engine running in the past few months after Studikon. Lesson learnt from Essig and oil has been a good check for my life. These were the three main points I took away from Studikon:

1.) Do not judge anyone because they sin differently than you: We should first remove the log in our own eyes before even trying to notice the speck in our brother`s eye (Luke 6:41). So far we surrender to Jesus; we are all forgiven in the same way, no matter the weight difference in the sin committed. As a matter of fact, the forgiven sinner with the greater sin loves God more (Luke 7:41-43). The remedy is to always reflect the Love of Christ to everybody by disregarding their status, colour, engagements and lifestyle.

2.) Be in a relationship with the Father at all times: The only way we can always relate with God is by studying his word and doing what it says. Blessed are those who hear the word and keep it (Luke 11: 28). Excerpt from the prodigal Son story shows that the younger (prodigal) Son knew the Father closely, for he remembered the generosity of his Father and decided to go back home. In contrast, the elder Son was a faithful Son but never really had a relationship with the Father. He does not know his right from the Father. He could always ask for the fattened cow to share with his friends but he never asked (Luke 15: 11-32). These two contrasting personalities indicate that building a relationship with God is more than being faithful in the Church. We need to study the word of God without season in order to be a fruitful Christian (Joshua 1:8).

3.) Be Christ-like to the core and not partly: The standard of being a Christian is decreasing because people pick out the part of the scripture that suits their way of life. May be you don’t know: Christianity is the way of life according to Jesus Christ. Jesus appointed 72 of His first few followers and sent them into the World to preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast out unclean spirits (Luke 10: 8). This is our responsibility as a Christian. In addition to this, we should ensure the Love of Christ is expressed through our lives as well as living righteous through His grace. Through this, we can be Christ like to the core. Our joy is not obtained in casting out of unclean spirits but in the fact that our names are written in heaven (Luke 10: 20).

How will i not mention the Studikon Band. Kudos guyz

How will i not mention the Studikon Band. Just read the inspiring lyrics!!!


In conclusion, we live in a World filled with darkness and rebelliousness, this is the time we the children of light need to get to work and stop sleeping on the bicycle. I must say, Studikon was able to re-awaken this fact in my spirit and it has been a major propellant for doing my Father’s business in this year. I am already watching out for Studikon 2017, Gods willing, if my ministry has not been moved to another region of the World, I will surely come back for the Studikon re-fuelling. My last words for you is: stand out in whatever you are called to do; be outstanding in reflecting the Love of Christ; and always stand on the solid rock of Christ that never fails. Cheers!!!

WOW!!!! You endured my long story. Thanks a lot for the time. In return, this is my gift to you. Check out my latest playlist featuring great Easter songs

Cheers Cheers and Stay Blessed!!!

Author Description


My heart moves for good music and my hands moves for solutions to environmental pollution. My life is an investment from God to the World.

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