ENTOGEN: Envagelizing Today`s Generation

ENTOGEN: Envagelizing Today`s Generation

We live in danger of being like Lot while he lived in Sodom, constantly oppressed by the immorality that he saw and heard daily (2peter 2;6-8) because we overlook the power and influence of media. Media has power to create culture. He who controls media dictates the culture. What does this mean?
Lots society (like ours) was full of perverted sexuality (displayed in the lewd music, wanton sexual behaviours, soft porn movies and music videos, indecent dressing and no morals). Lot is holy. He is vexed by what he sees and hears but does nothing.
Lot has influenced wealth and power, but Lot does not know how to use all this to change the culture of the society he finds himself. Abraham trained Lot, which is why he is righteous (2peter 2:7) but Lot didn’t translate this to his family or society. Lot is holy but he has no voice. He is alone. He suffers in silence.
Because of Lot`s silence, his daughters were completely indoctrinated into the culture of Sodom and Gomorah. Focused on his pursuit for influence and affluence, Lot`s children, who followed him to church and midweek fellowship are lost.
Neglecting the values and discipline that gave him the grace to resist and refuse sin, he uses another standard to train his own kids. Lot is holy, his home is Christian, his daughters should be Christians , but they are engaged to unbelievers.
Despite the presence of a righteous man in the city, God till destroyed it because his influence had not transcended beyond himself.
God is interested in the state of our families and the condition of our cities or societies. (Matt 28:19,20, acts 1;8). He wants to redeem nations. Ultimately Lot is saved but loses all he has worked for.
The deadly virus of sexual perversion has managed to enter into his godly family. Before long, the virus manifests and he soon impregnates his 2 daughters, they give birth to 2 children that would be enemies of Gods people for life(Moabites and ammonites gen 19;30-38)
When the church fails to influence the ideology and lifestyle of any society with God`s kingdom, then the she becomes suffocated by those ungodly values.
God is interested in the state of our families and the condition of our cities/society
We need to know that all this pollution is an international attack by the devil.

Written by Eyitope Lala

Author Description


My heart moves for good music and my hands moves for solutions to environmental pollution. My life is an investment from God to the World.

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